press coverage

Greater Geneva Bern area

EPFL launches Tech4Regeneration programme to spearhead regenerative economy

The EPFL Innovation Park’s Tech4Regeneration programme has launched, uniting key players to forge a path towards a regenerative economy in response to global environmental crises.

«Nous voulons aider des entreprises qui ont un impact positif sur la planète»

Le nouveau programme Tech4Regeneration, lancé par l’EPFL Innovation Park, a sélectionné 20 premières start-up.

Le nouveau programme Tech4Regeneration, lancé par l’EPFL Innovation Park, a sélectionné 20 premières start-up.

L’EPFL Innovation Park lance un programme visionnaire Tech4Regeneration en collaboration avec les entreprises Romande Energie et Logitech et avec le soutien du canton de Vaud, afin de favoriser l’adoption à large échelle de solutions pouvant restaurer les conditions nécessaires à notre vie sur Terre.

First batch of start-ups selected for Tech4Regeneration

The EPFL innovation Park launched its Tech4Regeneration programme to support start-ups whose solutions can have a regenerative impact if we help them bring them to market on a large scale. The first 20 start-ups have now been selected. They will spend the next 9 months taking part in the acceleration program that includes training workshops, tailored coaching and contacts with industrial partners, customers and potential investors.

EPFL launches Tech4Regeneration programme to spearhead regenerative economy

The EPFL Innovation Park’s Tech4Regeneration program has launched, uniting key players to forge a path towards a regenerative economy in response to global environmental crises.